Sunday, December 16, 2007


Yesterday's walk was in the blizzard. Cisco is from Tennessee so probably never seen so much snow. He looked a bit worried and guilty about the snow. Maybe he had done it? He does a lot of bad stuff. It's hard to keep track.

After Shiva showed him that snow was fun by bouncing and prancing around, he relaxed a little. I even caught him trying to catch the snow flakes in his mouth.

His early life was unsettled and chaotic. You never quite you are being handed with a rescue. He is a difficult young man, but I think he is starting to uncoil a little and not be so worried all the time.

For those of you who have not met him, Cisco is an uncommonly muscled basenji. When we first got him, I could not keep him off the counter. One of my students facetiously suggested that I fatten him up to past the point he could defy gravity.

He was very bony when we first got him, and as he put on weight, instead of getting fat he appeared to add more muscle mass.

I wouldn't mind having that gene switched on in my sequence. "No desert for me. I am accidentally punching through walls."

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