Thursday, January 31, 2008

Misc Music

Do you remember last fall when I was going on that I was going to start my own record label? Remember that you thought that it was a fine idea but a bit ambitious? "That's a lot more work than he thinks. When will he have time for that? I don't see that coming off at all."
Well, your lack of faith in me is disheartening but accurately placed. But I am happy to report that you are right for the wrong reasons.
That is because just as I was formulating my plan Blake contacted us and wanted to put our album on his superb Austin Texas label, Miscellaneous Music. Now we bask in the reflected glory of folks like Jad Fair, Daniel Johnston, Blake's own band Aliens and many more (go check it out!)
Much easier that way, no?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Returning to some of my prog-rock roots has led me to download the Moody Blues chestnut 'Question.'

Why do we never get an answer
When we're knocking at the door?
With a thousand million questions
About hate and death and war

I think the answer is pretty obvious.

Maybe he should try bringing cookies next time.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

MJ of mixtapes

Oh yeah and by the way do you remember Michael Jordan's like, second game back after not hitting AAA curve balls for the Charlotte Knights? I think it was against the Knicks and he dropped like 55 on them? You remember that?

That's what the ol' Colonel did when he sent me a jazz mix CD last week. A stunning return to form after years in the cassette tape wilderness ("Dude, get a tape player" to paraphrase).

He has finally updated his setup so that he can record his vinyl onto CD.

He is just waiting for you pester him to make you one too.

I call the above photographic essay. 'The many moods of SDH'

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Cleaning and teaching like mad. Here are some preliminary sketches of the cover art for our next album.

Also, we are now involved with a sort of record label called Misc. Music. They are bassed out of Austin Tx. You can check them out at