Saturday, January 26, 2008

MJ of mixtapes

Oh yeah and by the way do you remember Michael Jordan's like, second game back after not hitting AAA curve balls for the Charlotte Knights? I think it was against the Knicks and he dropped like 55 on them? You remember that?

That's what the ol' Colonel did when he sent me a jazz mix CD last week. A stunning return to form after years in the cassette tape wilderness ("Dude, get a tape player" to paraphrase).

He has finally updated his setup so that he can record his vinyl onto CD.

He is just waiting for you pester him to make you one too.

I call the above photographic essay. 'The many moods of SDH'

1 comment:

major sensible said...

Glad you liked it. I wasn't even trying--just pulled from the recently played stack. I look pretty cranky and anti-social in those pics. Oddly enough, I'm wearing the exact same pants and sweatshirt, though now that I think about it, it's not really that odd.